In the summer of 1942, Robbins Barstow and his wife Meg, of Wethersfield, Connecticut, USA, went on a two-week tour of scenic Sweden and spectacular Norway. Join them in viewing beautiful sights and fascinating sites, all in dramatic color.
Reviewer:Eva Vikstrom
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December 27, 2007 Subject:
Travelling in Peer Gynt's Footstep
In July/August 1982 Meg and Robbins Barstow went to Sweden and Norway to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. Their experiences were documented in this movie: filmed, edited and narrated by Mr. Barstow. It starts with the couple sitting in their home, wearing beautiful Norwegian sweaters ("lusekofter"). The route is described in maps: they started in Stockholm and then entered a tourist bus that took them to Dalecarlia in Sweden, and further to the Norwegian fjords and the cities of Bergen and Oslo. The musical theme is of course from Grieg. This is the best movie I've seen depicting the experiences of American tourists in Scandinavia. They enjoy the best sights of the cities, from Royal Stockholm to the Vigeland sculptures of Oslo. The views of the deep fjords are breathtaking, and the thrills of the mountain roads as well. Mr. Barstow is a skilled filmer and editor, and an enthusiastic and well-informed narrator. A charming movie, highly recommended!